To lead a Spiritual Revolution of Prayer and Fasting that will cause a PRAYER VIRUS AND TSUNAMI AMONG THE BODY OF CHRIST JESUS (2 Chronicles 7:14 )
To win and disciple souls for Christ through Pragmatic Evangelism, Baptism in the Holy Spirit with Fire ,Baptism in Water by Immersion and Sound Systematic Biblical Doctrinal Teachings. (Matthew 28:18-20)
To provide a warm, strong and edifying Christian Fellowship for discipling souls and the unchurched in our growing community through spirit charged worship services with diversity. ( Hebrew 10:24-25)
To equip the saints for the works of the ministry and their life mission by enabling them to identify and put to use their Spiritual Gifts and Talents as well as providing the necessary environment for their nurturing and growth (Ephesians 4:7)
To absolutely keep a vigilant watch over and shepherd God’s people with Righteousness, Integrity, Anointing, Power of the Holy Spirit, Miracles, Signs, Wonders and Wisdom through wise counsel and leadership in the area of Follow-ups, Care-Cell Groups, Camp Meetings and Training in RIGHTEOUSNESS (Acts 20:28)
To totally safeguard and present every member perfect and blameless before the throne of God through admonishing, exhortation and encouragement (Col 1:28)